Blog & News
Beat Procrastination
Procrastination can really take a chip away of your own self-confidence. I know on days where I've avoided doing what's good for me, whether it be working out, nutrition, business tasks, making new friends, or talking to attractive women - I've noticed I end up...
Shift Rejection Into Incompatibility
A lot of dating advice for men (and women) nowadays will give a list of tactics, strategies, scripts, or tell you to "play it cool" by pulling back when a woman shows low interest in you. Or the classic: "She's just not into you bro, move on." Although there is...
How To Change Your Thoughts To Become Confident
There is one major step that will recreate your reality in a way that always works in your favor and exposes your true confident self. Something that can only be focused on in the present moment, and that is your thoughts. Cognitive mastery, will not be mastered...
Four Ways To Practice Living In The Present Moment
People are usually ruminating about the past or concerned about the future. Not only is this tiring for yourself, but it also cultivates unnecessary emotions and thoughts that do not serve you and creates noise in your head that will distract you from living in the present moment. I used to struggle at living in the now, especially after graduating college and taking my career and independence seriously, sometimes a bit too seriously where I would create unnecessary emotional pain for myself. Along with that, my ADHD would have me hyper focused on these thoughts which created very strong emotions and feelings that would distract me from being my best self on stream, at work, or with friends. In this blog I am going to share with you all four practices I have been using to enter the present moment which has overall helped me TREMENDOUSLY over the course of the past few months with my mental health, life, and happiness.
How to Unapologetically Be Yourself
There are many reasons why people grow in fear of unapologetically being themselves. Some of these examples may apply to you: Parent’s warned you that you need to “assimilate” to be accepted You were made fun of because you were “different” Your boss refused to let...
Stop Putting People on a F*cking Pedestal
The Twitch community, like any other online community or industry is unique in its own way. The way we talk to each other with our slang, phrases, inside jokes, and having a level of comfort with one another is fucking amazing. I don’t have any other circle of...
The Process Of Manifesting Your New Year Goals
Coming up with goals for the New Year can be wicked overwhelming (I apologize ahead of time for the Masshole slang). It can be very easy to list out some resolutions for the upcoming year that are vague and then you find yourself stuck the following year. Nothing...
Letting Go Of Fear
Have you ever stepped into something outside of your comfort zone? Have you ever just wanted to dive into a new hobby or interest, create that piece of content that is different from your norm, ask out that girl you see every day at the Dunkin’ drive-thru, take...