Blog & News
A Client Case Study: How Steven Changed His Life By Changing His Thoughts
Most men don’t realize this The life you’re living right now: your relationships, your career, your confidence, is all a direct reflection of your thoughts. And if those thoughts aren’t serving you? You have the power to reprogram them. Steven is proof of that....
From Public Shame to Personal Power: How I Reclaimed My Confidence with Women
From false accusations to fearlessly flirting—how I rebuilt myself from the ground up. Ten years ago, my entire world collapsed. I was falsely accused of rape, arrested, and thrown into jail the weekend before Thanksgiving in 2014. I had never been in a...
Why You Lose Your Personality As You Get Older
Ever felt like you're slowing losing or have already lost vibrant, quirky self, and energetic self in social situations? You used to have "it," and now you don't. Like you're morphing into a background character of your own life story? I want to dive into this with...
Overcome Your Anxious Attachment and Become Free
I know you have been there before, and I have a bunch. You meet a woman. She blows your entire world. And then the bullshit begins. Not the bullshit between you and her. But the bullshit between you and yourself. You check your phone constantly for when she is...
Your Brain Is Lying To You
The Art Of Reprogramming Your Mind I want to reinforce the message of the last newsletter. Because it is that important. Your mind is constantly feeding you stories about who you are, what you’re capable of, and what’s possible for you. But the problem...
The Belief Loop
Most people still don’t realize how much their beliefs dictate their reality. They think they’re making conscious choices, but in reality, their mind is running on a script that was written years ago. A script built by childhood experiences, past failures, and...
Hustle Culture: The Dark Side
Let me bring you back to the light Are you grinding? Are you putting every waking minute into building your dream life? Are you only sleeping 2 hours to get ahead of your competition? Alright... That's not me, but it sounds a lot like what half these...
Can you really “have it all”?
Why trying to have everything leave you with nothing We see it everywhere nowadays through social media. Everyone has the perfect life. The career they always wanted, the dream relationship, freedom to travel, demigod like aesthetics. They seem...
How to rewire your brain to work for you.
Breaking down the Motivational Triad Humans are creatures of habit. Your brain is wired to operate from habit so it can preserve energy. If you have ever struggled with bad habits like consuming excessive junk food, drinking too much alcohol, smoking 20 a day, or...
How Alan increased his Wealth & Ability to Connect with Women
CASE STUDY: ALAN MEYER I worked with Alan for six months. Before he invested in coaching he was struggling to create the confidence to: • Cultivate more wealth for his copywriting service• Create deeper and more intimate connections with women Wealth...
Learn from my f*ck ups…
Yes, I make mistakes. I always invest in mentors who are where I want to be at so many different levels:• Coaches who are masters in spiritual guidance• Coaches who specialize in relationships• Coaches who are amazing at building businesses and systems• Coaches who...
My Constant Battle With Burnout
Have you ever hit a point where all the things you once loved—your goals, your passions—felt like a heavyweight? Something that used to be your source of joy has now become your source of resentment. I’ve been there. I've been there so many times. The trial and...
Are you Hustling… or Hiding?
The Fine Line Between Ambition and Avoidance We live in a world where hustle is celebrated. Everyone’s grinding, building, chasing the next big thing. But I've noticed something in my years of coaching. This isn't always the case. Some of my students have buried...
The Investment That Pays Forever
The ROI You Can’t See (But Can’t Afford to Ignore) In the past couple of days, I've been recording a ton of module content ready for Divine Alchemy. We are ready for launch soon. And I'm more excited than ever. Hurdles have come, and I've tripped,...
Why losing is good.
Think about it. Back to the last time you "lost"? Not a minor inconvenience. We've all had the awkward situation with no toilet roll and had to calculate our next move. A real loss. A relationship that ended unexpectedly.A business deal that fell apart.A dream...
Unlocking Success in Life and Business
Build Your Inner Foundation, Watch the World Follow I’ve got a question for you: What’s the one thing that touches every area of your life: relationships, business, even your health? Confidence. If you've been a long-time reader, I'm sure you know this by now as I...
Why Women Respect Men Who Know Their Worth
We all want respect. Not the kind you demand from others. Not the kind you manipulate your way into receiving. But the kind that flows naturally because of who you are. The kind that women notice without you saying a word. So many people live a life...
Attraction Isn’t What You Think It Is
Confidence is the Key I'm so tired of it. The bullshit online you see about attraction and women. You are being lied to, over and over again. I'm fighting for you, fighting for the truth. Stop memorizing lines, following scripts, and being a douchebag. ...
The only fight that matters.
You vs. You Every day, there’s a war happening inside you. It’s not against your boss.It's not against your friends.It's not even against the world. It's inside you. It’s you vs. you. One side whispers comfort, safety, and risk avoidance. The...
Life isn’t easy.
People complain of hardship. I see it every day. The victim mentality is adopted by society. 0 accountability. They play the blame game. It's always someone else's fault. It's never their own. Whining and whining feeling like they will keep moving forward because...
You need brutal self-confidence.
Hello there, Do you think of yourself as shy? You need to stop labeling yourself as shy. You need brutal self-confidence. Throughout my childhood, teenage years, and a big chunk of my 20s; I was filled with insecurity. Long story short: • I was...
Case Study: Taylin Simmonds
Today, I want to talk about how I helped a past client of mine Taylin Simmonds become more confident and stepped into his authentic masculine power. Areas of exponential growth for Taylin included: Business Leadership skills Romantic relationship Taylin reached out...
The Secret of Great Leaders
Why The Best Leaders Never Stop Growing Whether you're attempting to grow a business, build a relationship, start you self-mastery journey; a skill you will come across is leadership. If you can't lead, you will struggle to be successful. The best leaders...
What’s really holding you back?
We've all got insecurities. I don't care how rich, famous, or in shape you are. Insecurities. Everyone has them. It's that little voice in your head. Whispering. Bringing you down. “Don’t try that, you will fail.” “Don’t approach her, you are not good enough.” “Why...
Rejection is fuel for your resilience
Rejection. Perhaps a small reaction happens to that word. Maybe a punch to the gut, or a small wince causing the head to rotate slightly left. Being told “no". Whether it’s your career, relationships, personal goals; rejection can make you question everything....
Growth starts when the comfort ends.
Continuing from our last topic about confidence, achievements & failure. I think it's a good moment in time to have an honest conversation about comfort zones. We all know that growth happens outside of them - so why do we keep avoiding it? And the answer is...
The Confidence Myth
You’ve been told a lie. Most people think confidence is something you earn by achieving big milestones. Landing the promotion, making a lot of money, impressing others in social situations. You know, hitting the big time in something. A "completion" of a social...