Your Brain Is Lying To You

Your Brain Is Lying To You

The Art Of Reprogramming Your Mind I want to reinforce the message of the last newsletter.  Because it is that important.  Your mind is constantly feeding you stories about who you are, what you’re capable of, and what’s possible for you. But the problem is...
The Belief Loop

The Belief Loop

Most people still don’t realize how much their beliefs dictate their reality. They think they’re making conscious choices, but in reality, their mind is running on a script that was written years ago. A script built by childhood experiences, past failures, and...
Hustle Culture: The Dark Side

Hustle Culture: The Dark Side

Let me bring you back to the light Are you grinding? Are you putting every waking minute into building your dream life? Are you only sleeping 2 hours to get ahead of your competition?  Alright…  That’s not me, but it sounds a lot like what half these...
Can you really “have it all”?

Can you really “have it all”?

Why trying to have everything leave you with nothing  We see it everywhere nowadays through social media.  Everyone has the perfect life. The career they always wanted, the dream relationship, freedom to travel, demigod like aesthetics.  They seem...
How to rewire your brain to work for you.

How to rewire your brain to work for you.

Breaking down the Motivational Triad Humans are creatures of habit. Your brain is wired to operate from habit so it can preserve energy. If you have ever struggled with bad habits like consuming excessive junk food, drinking too much alcohol, smoking 20 a day, or even...

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