Unlocking Success in Life and Business

Unlocking Success in Life and Business

Build Your Inner Foundation, Watch the World Follow I’ve got a question for you: What’s the one thing that touches every area of your life: relationships, business, even your health? Confidence. If you’ve been a long-time reader, I’m sure you know this by...
Why Women Respect Men Who Know Their Worth

Why Women Respect Men Who Know Their Worth

We all want respect.  Not the kind you demand from others. Not the kind you manipulate your way into receiving. But the kind that flows naturally because of who you are. The kind that women notice without you saying a word. So many people live a life today...
Attraction Isn’t What You Think It Is

Attraction Isn’t What You Think It Is

Confidence is the Key I’m so tired of it. The bullshit online you see about attraction and women. You are being lied to, over and over again. I’m fighting for you, fighting for the truth.  Stop memorizing lines, following scripts, and being a...
The only fight that matters.

The only fight that matters.

You vs. You Every day, there’s a war happening inside you.  It’s not against your boss.It’s not against your friends.It’s not even against the world. It’s inside you.  It’s you vs. you. One side whispers comfort, safety, and risk...
Life isn’t easy.

Life isn’t easy.

People complain of hardship. I see it every day.  The victim mentality is adopted by society. 0 accountability. They play the blame game. It’s always someone else’s fault. It’s never their own.  Whining and whining feeling like they will keep moving...

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