You vs. You

Every day, there’s a war happening inside you. 

It’s not against your boss.

It’s not against your friends.

It’s not even against the world.

It’s inside you. 

It’s you vs. you.

One side whispers comfort, safety, and risk avoidance. 

The other side knows who you are. 

What you are capable of. 

It demands action.

It urges you to step into the fear, challenge yourself, and finally claim the life waiting for you.

This is the real war: comfort vs. growth.

I know this fight all too well.

For years, I let the comfortable version of myself win.

I stuck to the same routines, surrounded myself with people who didn’t challenge me, and avoided anything that felt like a failure.

I know firsthand how expensive the price of comfort can be…

I stayed stuck.

F*cking miserable.

Wasting years of my potential.


Do you know how painful that is to look back? 

Then the rock bottom realization: 

Comfort is not safety.

It’s a trap.

It convinces you to stay small, avoid risk, and ignore that voice inside you screaming, “You’re meant for more.”

The version of you that chooses growth? That’s the version that gets you closer to your potential.

But growth demands discomfort, and the brain doesn’t like discomfort. 

So you have to show up when you don’t feel ready, and go against the voice that’s louder. 

You have to face failure head-on and keep going.

Growth will test every part of you along the way. 

But on the other side of the fight, freedom awaits. 

Freedom to build a life on your terms.

Freedom to feel confident in who you are, no matter what happens.

Freedom to wake up every day knowing you’re creating something meaningful.

Ask yourself. 

Who is winning that fight today. 

Which voice is louder? 

The one that hides in comfort?

Or the you that steps into growth, no matter how frightened you feel?

Because every small decision matters.

Every choice to push through fear, challenge yourself, or take action; gets you closer to becoming the person you’re meant to be.

The fight will always be there, but the choice is yours.

The choice is always yours. 

It always has been, and it always will be. 

Feel the burden, accept it, and embrace it.

Much love,

Shawn “Sheshn” Heshmatpour

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