We’ve all got insecurities.
I don’t care how rich, famous, or in shape you are.
Everyone has them.
It’s that little voice in your head.
Bringing you down.
“Don’t try that, you will fail.”
“Don’t approach her, you are not good enough.”
“Why even bother, you will never win.”
Those voices control you unconsciously, everyday.
What are those voices?
Thoughts that are not yours, but thoughts you have taken on by others.
Dictating every choice you make in your life.
Hesitant, cautious, never stepping outside the comfort zone.
This is what you need to understand about your insecurities.
It’s just your subconscious programming.
Bad hardware.
Stories you tell yourself, often.
They turn into deep rooted beliefs over the years and they are now running you on auto pilot.
And until you recognize what those stories are and where they come from, they’ll keep holding you back.
Acceptance is key…
Let’s dissect this.
Your Insecurities Are Rooted in Fear
Fear of failure.
Fear of rejection.
Fear of being judged.
These are some of the core drivers of your insecurities.
But you know something?
They’re based on assumptions, not facts.
Think about it: How many times have you held yourself back because you were afraid of what might happen, only to realize later that the worst-case scenario wasn’t even real?
The first step to overcoming your insecurities is understanding that fear is just a thought.
It’s not reality.
It’s something for you to overcome…
Born from Conditioning
From the moment we’re born, we’re conditioned by our environment.
Families, schools, friends, media, society, you name it.
We pick up beliefs about what’s “good enough,” what’s “acceptable,” and what’s “possible” for us.
Yet all these “beliefs” aren’t even ours.
You think you’re not confident enough, not smart enough, not capable enough because somewhere along the line, someone planted that idea in your head.
And now a lie is running your life.
The Comfort Zone
Insecurities are not you. They’re disguised as “logic” or “realism” to keep you safe.
But all they’re doing is keeping you stuck.
You tell yourself:
“I’m not ready yet.”
“I’ll try when I feel more confident.”
“I need more time to prepare.”
You’ll NEVER be ready….
Confidence doesn’t come before action, it comes from action.
Love is the antidote to fear
Fear Stops You From Owning Your Power
Every time you give in to your insecurities, you’re giving your authentic power away.
You’re letting the old stories dictate your future.
But you don’t have to be a prisoner to these stories.
When I started my journey to self-mastery, I had to confront some ugly truths about myself.
I had been using my insecurities as an excuse.
They were my safety net, my reason for not showing up fully.
Once I started rewriting the stories, challenging the fear, taking action despite the doubt; everything began to change.
Breaking Free
- Step 1: Identify the story. What belief is fueling your insecurity? Write it down.
- Step 2: Challenge it. Ask yourself: Is this true? What evidence do I have to support it?
- Step 3: Replace it. Create a new belief that empowers you instead of holding you back.
- Step 4: Take action. Even if it’s small, prove to yourself that you can move forward despite the fear.
Look, your insecurities won’t disappear overnight.
Consistency and courage are your new friends.
Make them your strongest ally, and insecurities will stop controlling you.
You will control them, accept them, remove the power they hold over you, and step into your authentic power.
Much love,
Shawn “Sheshn” Heshmatpour
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