Confidence is the Key
I’m so tired of it.
The bullshit online you see about attraction and women.
You are being lied to, over and over again.
I’m fighting for you, fighting for the truth.
Stop memorizing lines, following scripts, and being a douchebag.
None of this works, because attraction truly comes from who you are.
You’ve seen it on the street.
Wondering how this “average-looking guy” is walking around with a model.
No, it’s not his money.
It’s all about confidence.
But let me be clear: real confidence isn’t about pretending to be someone you’re not.
It’s about stepping into your authentic power.
When you’re truly confident, you don’t need to chase or prove yourself to anyone.
You’re magnetic because you’re grounded in who you are.
You don’t need to “fake it until you make it”.
I know because for years I tried all of the above, yet I still see the same red pill on masculine accounts spout the same dross.
I tried to say the right things, dress the right way, and impress people with what I thought (keyword here) they wanted.
And yeah, sometimes it worked… I had small success…
But deep down I was feeling like a fraud, playing a character who wasn’t truly me.
Do you know how exhausting this would be?
I had to do the inner work.
Rewire my beliefs.
Let go of my insecurities.
To embrace my authentic self.
And then…
Attraction became effortless.
Because I stopped looking for something outside of me to make me feel “enough.”
You should know this by now if you have been reading my emails.
But I will keep hammering it into you.
Confidence isn’t something you find.
You don’t magically wake up and want to take on the world.
It’s something you create.
Chiseled by small habits:
• Setting boundaries and standing by them.
• Speaking your truth, even when it’s uncomfortable.
• Showing up as your authentic self, no matter what others think (this is one of the hardest).
When you stop chasing and start becoming, the right people magically show up in your life.
Good old law of attraction, eh?
Remember, your energy speaks louder than any words ever could.
So stop playing the game.
Stop chasing.
Focus on building the confidence within you, and everything else will fall into place.
Much love,
Shawn “Sheshn” Heshmatpour
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